Know beyond a shadow of any doubt, that I can really say
That I could do totally without, this very mournful day
I awoke to rooster's crow, before the sun arose
To find my pretty puddy tat, laid out upon the rode
Though nature made him fully grown, had kitten's attitude he
Playful, whimsy, bouncy and fun, no better a mouser could be
Hunting by night, sleeping by day, be it indoors or out
I swear by these eyes I did see with three or four he'd bout
And fierce as any hunter could be, a softer side had he
Upon the caring breast he'd sleep, purring gleefully
My home he made his very own, he even pissed in my bed
On several occasions we would scrap, I nailed him in the head
When times life got to hard to take; the world looked lonesome and bleak
I'd recall his brother and he, in paper bag Hide n' Seek
In blade of grass he'd fined repast, he trimmed my lawn one time
And as though on cue, he, upon my porch, delivered balls of hairy slime
He scampered quick on spinning chair, clasp with claws, he'd go round
A spinning rug his tea cup ride, his bouts with brother renowned
No cat in life have I ever known to give more love and joy
I'll reminisce my Tigger as much as if he were my only boy
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