Monday, December 7, 2015

You are my Grace, I am your Monster

I remember the day when your mother told me she was pregnant
They were difficult times meshed with moments of joy
We had just celebrated our one year anniversary
Sean was just ten months old
And I knew you would be a girl as I knew your brother was going to be a boy
I dreamt of you, your hair color, your name, your destiny
And I cherished every thought of you until you were born
The dream came in your guise, I was there
When they tore you from your mother, a handful of ginger plump
Soft downy red, light hazel eyes and a soft mew of a cry
I loved you even more.
Yet you came into a world of upheaval, loss,
Anger, frustration over life and I got to hold you
You comforted me and made me whole, I was your father
And you were my cherished ginger princess
Yet my world was cruel and it created a cruel man
You grew to watch me strike out at your mother
And my booming anger damaged your gentle heart
Each angry word, each heated moment burnt a mark
Upon your kind soul
Until at seven you could no longer bear it
You found your voice, my anger returned to me

You screamed “I hate you”, I knew it and it destroyed me.

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