Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The only thing I have is the skin I was born in.

Reflections on being a straight white male in a multi-gendered, ethnocentric, racially charged society. This is not about feeling sorry for yourself or feeling picked on because you are white, its about learning to accept yourself, other people and having sympathy for their status in society as a consequence of an ever changing ethos.

"Your a horrible person"
Condemnation over expectations
"My anxiety is your fault, you yelled"
Concern over lack of post college motivation thrown back in my face
"You made my life hell"
Birthday parties, Halloween parties, Christmases, sleep overs, music camp, private school, music lessons, kittens, puppies, lambs, Barbies, vacations with grandparents, trips overseas, snow days, unconditional love.
