Sunday, December 30, 2018

Know Love

You only know what you have,

You only know what you’ve touched

Heard -- Seen -- Tasted -- Smelled


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Joy Springs Eternal

Like the Spring Sun rising in the North
Your tireless mirth
Melts the frozen shackles of melancholy
Releasing our hearts to the warmth of eternal joy

Saturday, August 25, 2018


He was a War Hero you know,
this true red, white and blue American boy.
Like his father and grandfather before him,
he would grow to serve his country.

This true red, white and blue American boy
He went into the Navy to serve his country
Like his father and grandfather before him,
He would carry that service into war.

He went into the Navy to serve his country
His true character showed in how he helped his comrades
He would carry that service into war,
Staking life and limb to save another aviator on the U.S.S. Forrestal

His true character showed in how he helped his comrades
With bomb bursting and fires raging
Staking life and limb to save another aviator on the U.S.S. Forrestal
He was wounded in the legs and chest

With bomb bursting and fires raging
He was shot down as he flew over Hanoi
He was wounded in the legs and chest
He was beaten for serving his country

He was shot down as he flew over Hanoi
And he would suffer for it
He was beaten for serving his country
This made him an American Hero.

And he would suffer for it
Like his father and grandfather before him,
he would grow to serve his country
He was a War Hero you know