Saturday, July 15, 2017

Tribute to Lee Hernandez - US Army

His name is Lee Hernandez – American Hero

He is an American Hero you know,
this true red, white and blue boy.
Like the men that came before him,
he would grow to serve his country.

This true red, white and blue boy
He went into the ARMY to serve his country
Like the men that came before him,
He would carry that service into war.

He went into the ARMY to serve his country
His true character showed in how he served his comrades
He would carry that service into war,
Staking life and limb to protect others whose names are endless

His true character showed in how he served his comrades
With bomb bursting and fires raging
Staking life and limb to protect others whose names are endless
He is wounded to his very core, but his soul is whole and strong

With bomb bursting and fires raging
He was wounded in his prime
He is wounded to his very core, but his soul is whole and strong
His spirit will not be beaten, for he served his country well

He was wounded in his prime
And he would suffer for it, but
His spirit will not be beaten, for he served his country well
This makes him an American Hero.

And he would suffer for it
Like the men that came before him,
Who would grow to serve their country

They are American Heroes you know.